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Fall sports season begins

The 2024 McNary fall sports season has started and so far it is a mixed bag. The varsity football team lost its first home game against the South Medford Black Tornado by a score of 0-28.  The Celts will play the Cavemen at Grants Pass High School on Friday, Sept.[Read More…]

McNary Band Day

McNary Band Day is Saturday, September 28th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Students will be cruising Keizer collecting your returnable cans and bottles as well as donations. If you would like, you can drop off returnable cans and bottles to McNary High School on Band Day. This year was[Read More…]

State attorneys general seek warnings on social media

By BEN BOTKIN Of Oregon Capital Chronicle Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum is leading a bipartisan campaign with 41 state attorneys general who are prodding Congress to require a U.S. surgeon general warning for young people on social media platforms.  Rosenblum, president of the National Association of Attorneys General, sent[Read More…]

Public Square, September 13, 2024

Constitution week By RUBY PANTALONE The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution urges Americans to reflect on the United States Constitution during this month’s annual observance in honor this foundational document of national governance. The DAR initiated the observance in 1955, when the service organization petitioned the U.S. Congress[Read More…]

Public Square, Sept. 6, 2024

MANNIX MINUTES The dangers of ‘catch and release’ By KEVIN MANNIX  In 2021, before I was elected to represent House District 21, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 48, which created a dangerous “catch and release” justice system for many criminals.  I have consistently heard from constituents about the increasing[Read More…]

Keizer Elks raise $6K for eye clinic and food bank

The Keizer Elks Lodge held its annual charity golf tournament on Sunday, Aug. 25, raising $6,000, to be shared equally with the Oregon Elks Children’s Eye Clinic and the Keizer Community Food Bank. One hundred-sixteen Elks and guests participated. At a post-tournament luncheon awards and prizes were awarded. The winning[Read More…]