

Do you have a business or service you want to bring to the attention of Keizer readers city-wide? Put an advertisement in the Keizertimes. We have a broad spectrum of advertising programs designed to get your business in front of the people that need it the most. Contact Robin Barney for all of your advertising questions and needs: [email protected].


Submit a written Obituary for a loved one who has recently passed, we offer both color and grayscale options, you will receive a quote with separate pricing for both color choices. We do not have a limit to how many photos or the text you submit, however both will adjust your quote based on size alone. Please submit files in either .pdf or .txt format, and photos in either .jpg or .png.
Submit to: [email protected].

Legal Notices

The Keizertimes is a weekly publication of general circulation in Marion County that distributes every Friday. Deadline for submissions is every Tuesday at noon.  Submit Legal Notices directly to [email protected] – File formats accepted include .pdf .txt and/or .docx. After receiving your notice we will set it up for publication and get you quoted for the dates you need it ran. We do ask that our newest clients pay for at least three separate notices upfront before we allow payment to be scheduled for after the publication dates. An Affidavit and invoice will always be mailed on the final run date of the notice. Submit to: [email protected].

Classified Ads

Submit Classified ad questions and text ads to get set up whenever you need. Our team is here to help you get your message and/or services out to the public. You will be quoted based on the number of words used in your classified ad. Submit to:

Story Inquires

The Keizertimes is dedicated to getting the most imperative and thought-provoking stories our fine city has to offer, we are receptive to the publics opinions and subjects as well. If you have a Keizer related story to share that you think should be further investigated you can always call or email our office and we will be quick to see what we can discover. We may not always use a story if it does not fit our criteria, however we will track down any ounce of the truth we can find and further expand where we can to bring the best or worst to light. To inquire you can visit or call the office at (503) 390-1051. Email our Publisher Lyndon Zaitz at: [email protected].