Be sure to register for primary voting this year 

According to an April 1st release from the Marion County Clerk’s office, around 40% of the voters in Marion County, or around 89,000 registered voters, are at risk of not getting a primary ballot for partisan candidates running for office, including the presidency. 

In order to vote in a party’s primary process, voters can update their party identification by visiting and selecting a party by April 30, the deadline. 

The release described how registered Marion County voters will begin receiving ballots for the May 21 closed primary in the mail by May 1, though only voters who have chosen a political party will see the names of that party’s candidates on the ballot. 

Voting for a political party’s candidates requires Oregon voters to be registered with a party before the primary process begins on even-numbered years.

The press release noted that voters who have received ballots of a party’s candidates in the past are likely fine though, those who have not received one must register if they want to cast a vote in a party’s primary process. 

For those who are unsure, the OregonVotes website also allows checking your voting status to see if you are registered. 

Registration is easy, safe and voter ID-reliable as in Oregon, citizens who get or renew an Oregon driver’s license are automatically registered to vote. 

In Marion County, around 94% of eligible voters are already registered, an amount that far outpaces the national rate of 60% of voting-age Americans being registered as of 2022, according to the release from the Marion County Clerk’s office. 

For more information on voting in Marion County, visit

Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051

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