Your neighborhood needs you.
The Greater Gubser Neighborhood Association (GGNA) includes all neighbors and businesses within the Gubser Elementary School boundaries.
Unlike a homeowner’s association (HOA) there is NO cost to you to be part of a neighborhood association. These associations play a key role in our community.
They open the doors of communication between residents and the city government in order to provide key information about resources that are more relevant to your specific neighborhood.
Our main purpose is to empower our neighbors and improve our community.
We aim to encourage connections between neighbors and seek to increase involvement in our diverse community.
We are currently one of five neighborhood associations in the city of Keizer.
The Gubser neighborhood is the location of the annual Miracle of Lights display.
What began as a friendly neighborhood holiday light competition has grown into a much anticipated annual event.
We gather annually at Bob Newton Park for National Night Out on the first Tuesday of August. Our monthly meetings are open to all and held on the second Tuesday of the month.
Meetings are held at the Keizer Civic Center, our city’s living room.
Be sure to check our Facebook page to confirm meeting information.
Email us at [email protected] to be added to our email list for neighborhood updates.
Like our Facebook page: Greater Gubser Neighborhood Association. We look forward to seeing you soon.
The Greater Northeast Keizer Neighborhood Association (GNEKNA) is a neighborhood association that was recognized by the City of Keizer on December 19th, 2022 and faithfully serves the people of greater northeast Keizer.
Its mission is to promote various programs, services and activities aimed at encouraging connections among neighbors in the community.
The Association also fosters civic involvement and education by providing timely information about community and civic issues, facilitating the discussion of these issues and helping members become more informed and responsible citizens.
Solicit input from members and community input about issues that affect them.
Support neighborhood-friendlydevelopment practices.
Protect public spaces and historical assets while also addressing the public safety and nuisance concerns of members.
Act as a vehicle to communicate the concerns of members and advocate for its own best interests to the Keizer city council, city staff and other government agencies.
Work to improve the quality of life for those who live, work, and play in greater northeast Keizer.
We currently have positions open for our board of directors as well as other positions.
For more information about getting involved in meetings or other information and questions, contact Tammy Kunz at 503-991-1671 or visit the GNEKNA website.
Welcome to the latest updates from the Northwest Keizer Neighborhood Association.
Our neighborhood is bustling with new activities that promise to enrich our lives and strengthen our bonds within this vibrant community.
First on the docket, we are thrilled to announce the grand opening of the new Rec Grange community building.
Located at the heart of our neighborhood, this building, which has a rich and vibrant history, has been renovated by Valor Mentoring and promises to be a hub of activity, offering food, coffee, mentoring, tutoring and hosting various community events for Keizer residents.
In other exciting news, we are pleased to share that the Keizer City Council has approved the construction of a new crosswalk on Lockhaven Dr. N and McClure St. N by Keizer Elementary.
Safety is our utmost concern and this addition will ensure pedestrians, especially children, can navigate our streets safely.
We also extend a warm welcome to our new McNary High School principal, Scott Gragg.
With his dedication to education and nurturing young minds, we are confident that principal Gragg will lead our school to greater heights of academic excellence and community engagement.
We invite you to join us at upcoming events within our association boundaries:
April 30, 7 p.m.: McNary High School APT program performance.
May 4, 11 a.m.: Keizer community event at Keizer Elementary.
With so much happening within our boundaries, do not forget to visit our Northwest Keizer Neighborhood Association website at for information about times and agendas, meeting minutes, important forms and more.
Here’s to many more exciting adventures ahead.
The West Keizer Neighborhood Association (WKNA) members are residents and businesses that are within the Cummings Elementary School boundaries, west of River Road and south of Chemawa Road.
We work to improve the livability of west Keizer neighbors and influence decisions made by the Keizer City Council that affect our community and neighborhood.
Our meetings are held at the Keizer Civic Center on the second Thursday of the month (except for June, July, Aug and Dec) at 7 p.m.
The meeting agendas and minutes can be found on
We invite you to read about the latest happenings in our April newsletter, WKNA Today, on our website.
Join us for fun, information and a place to share your ideas.
The purpose of the Southeast Keizer Neighborhood Association (SEKNA) is to promote, coordinate, implement and advise on all aspects of planning for the city of Keizer or any other planning or advisory bodies.
We strive for maximum citizen participation in promotion of the improvement of the livability and the environment of the neighborhood and of the community as a whole.
This is a local public forum in which residents may deliberate on issues which are important to them, and will provide a vehicle for communicating residents’ views on these issues to the city of Keizer.
Information will be provided to its members on all proposed changes in land use planning that will affect its area through public meetings, newsletter or other means available, i.e. social media, radio, newspaper, etc.
We encourage citizen involvement in local governmental issues and the civic responsibilities of individuals in its neighborhood.
Meetings are held at the Keizer Community Center on the first Thursday of every month (Sept through May) at 6:30 p.m.
Boundaries of the neighborhood association are between Dearborn Ave NE and River Road N to the Salem border as well as Verda Ln NE.
Council liaisons are Soraida Cross and Kyle Juran
The association officers are:
Board chair: Ken Gierloff who can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 503-400-0801.
Vice-Chair: Colleen Busch who can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 503-689-3875.
Contact Keizertimes Staff:
[email protected] or 503-390-1051
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