Keizer Police have provided the public with updates to the shooting death of Aaron Gage at a Mayfield Place residence Sept. 4. Gage was shot and killed by the single owner and occupant of the home, and police now say it was an attempted burglary. Keizer Police Lt. Trevor Wenning[Read More…]
Author: Charles Glenn
City Council votes on new budget items, fireworks ordinance
The Oct. 3 City Council session focused primarily on new supplemental budget items which the council has reviewed, including $395,000 for city employee and police pay raises and combined benefits. Mayor Cathy Clark was excused from the meeting along with Councilor Roland Herrera, so Council President Smith led the regular[Read More…]
School board member calls out colleagues, activists
Dr. Satya Chandragiri is frustrated with the other members of the Salem-Keizer School Board (SKSD), so much so that he held a press conference at the Salem capital mall on Sept. 29 in order to call attention to what he perceives as a lack of proper engagement with the public,[Read More…]
Middle housing initiative explained
Keizer residents should not expect massive changes to housing anytime soon. The city’s Planning Director, Shane Witham, said his office has received lots of questions about new construction, and he has answers. In late May, Keizer finalized its code project update to bring the city into compliance with the 2019[Read More…]
Cummings Elementary playground beautification project, Sept. 24.
The West Keizer Neighborhood Association is joining forces with the teachers and parents at Cummings Elementary School to sponsor a beautification project for the school’s playground. The event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 9 a.m. – noon. Work will include spreading bark chips, weeding the playground and[Read More…]
Keizer man arraigned for assault, other charges in Cherry Ave. stabbing incident
Early in the morning on Sept. 20, Keizer Police responded to the report of a stabbing in the 3000 block of Cherry Avenue N. Investigators report that a male and female got into an argument, which led to another female attempting to intervene in order to protect the first[Read More…]
Public hearing on city expenditures set for Oct. 3
A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of Keizer will be held on Monday, Oct. 3, at 7 p.m. in the council chambers. Supplemental budget items under discussion forappropriation include: Sewer Fund – $150,000 of additional revenue to account for the sewer rate increase effective Jan.[Read More…]
Committee vacancies filled
The Volunteer Coordinating Committee met on Sept. 8 to nominate several individuals to fill upcoming vacancies on the Budget Committee and the Planning Commission, all of whom City Council approved unanimously during theSept. 19 session. Position 1 on the Budget Committee will be filled by Marlene Parsons. This position was[Read More…]
Keizer residents will see a big wastewater rate hike over the next two years
Keizerites are about to be squeezed a little more, financially. The city’s Finance Officer Tim Wood reported to City Council during the Sept. 19 session that most Keizer residents would be facing a more than $20 annual hike in their wastewater management fees in 2023 and 2024. Wood said an[Read More…]
City grant will not expand to include food trucks
If you were one of the people who recently approached the city about using grant funds to help start up your own food truck business, prepare to be disappointed. Keizer City Council voted Sept. 19 not to amend the city’s Community Prosperity Grant qualifications to allow applications for food truck[Read More…]