The Volunteer Coordinating Committee met on Sept. 8 to nominate several individuals to fill upcoming vacancies on the Budget Committee and the Planning Commission, all of whom City Council approved unanimously during the
Sept. 19 session.
Position 1 on the Budget Committee will be filled by Marlene Parsons. This position was formerly occupied by Ali Rasouli, whose term expires at the end of September. Position 2 on that committee will be filled by the same person who held it before, Melissa Martin.
The city’s Planning Commission also reappointed three of its members with terms expiring this month, Matt Lawyer at position 1, Sarah Hutches at position 2, and Jeremy Grenz at position 3.
The recent appointees to the Budget Committee will serve through August 31, 2025, and the three positions on the Planning Commission will be through September 30, 2025.
The Volunteer Coordinating Committee meets monthly, and will be recruiting for openings beginning in October for the Parks Advisory Board and the Traffic Safety/Bikeways Pedestrian Committee.
To volunteer for an open position, go to keizer.org/volunteer-application.