SKPS Board discuss SROs on campus

With talk about bringing SROs back to campus growing, SKPS introduced the Safe and Welcoming School Committee to examine what is needed for both physical and psychological safety of students.

The cost of coverage

Salem-Keizer Public Schools banned an independent reporter in May over inappropriate messages to teen athletes.

This article is republished with permission from Grant Magazine, the publication at Grant High School in Portland. This story was reported by students Claire Coffey, Ava Siano and Veronica Bianco, the Keizertimes did not edit it.

Assessments vary across Keizer schools

The 2022 assessment tests for Salem-Keizer Public School students showed a sharp decline in English, math and science during the pandemic. 

While reported proficiency numbers are down across the country, when looking deeper into the 10 Keizer-based schools, the drop off seems even more stark.

Tumultuous couple weeks for SKPS board

On Friday, the SKPS board announced that meetings will no longer be open to the public in-person.
This comes weeks after initial petitions to recall three board members were filed with Marion County.