
Girls tennis, boys track and field

Chloe Schwinof returns a shot from Newberg opponent. 

The Lady Celts tennis team faced the Lady Tigers of Newberg on April 9. 

On Thursday, April 11, the Celts played the Lady Saxons of South Salem. 

North Salem Lady Vikings were next, followed by the Lady Olympians of Sprague on Thursday, April 18. 

The boys tennis team also played against Newberg on April 11, against Tualatin on April 15 and faced Spague on Thursday, April 18. 

Meanwhile the boys track and field team faced South Salem on Wednesday, April 10. 

On Saturday, April 13, the boys team participated in the Need for Speed tourney at Sherwood High School with 34 other teams. 

The boys track team rounded out its week in a heat against North Salem on Wednesday, April 17, culminating with the Oregon Relays at Hayward Field in Eugene this weekend, April 19-20. 

Lainey VanSlyke as she reaches to complete a return
Nicole Schnurbusch focuses and gets a great hit in the middle of her racket
Noe Baltazar mid-leap as he competes in the long jump event.
Mason Bowlby makes the high jump look easy. 
Benjamin Wood – crossing the finish line first in the JV 4×400 
Izaak Hendrix visualizing the path of his javelin before he lets it fly.

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