
Council goes for a Starr

To fill a vacant council seat, the Keizer City Council had a rich and diverse roster of applicants to chose from at a special session on Monday, Dec. 20. After two ballots the council voted for Shaney Starr, an excellent choice by any measure. Starr currently serves as executive director[Read More…]

Love Hard predictable but delightful

Nina Dobrev (right) and Jimmy O. Yang star in Love Hard. Remember that one Christmas movie where a woman who is down on her luck (yet is still fiercely independent) falls for a guy who lives in a town that is so small that everyone knows each other’s names? Too[Read More…]

Tick, Tick…Boom! is successful adaptation

Andrew Garfield stars in Tick, Tick…Boom! As Homer Simpson once said, “Trying is the first step towards failure… the lesson is, never try.” As a flawless human being, I am not personally familiar with the concept of failing, but everyone else in the world would do well to not heed[Read More…]

A seat on the city council

Thursday, Dec. 9 is the deadline to submit a letter of interest and a resume for those who want to be appointed to the vacant Keizer City Council position. Applicants will be able to make a brief presentation and take questions from the sitting councilors on Dec. 20. This is[Read More…]

Red Notice makes for a serviceable popcorn movie

There once was a young algorithm named Albert who lived in the magical land of Tinseltown. Albert the algorithm had but one dream in his life, a dream that he held close and cherished even when the other algorithms belittled and mocked him:  To one day write a movie script based[Read More…]

The man, the legacy

Andrew Jackson For more than 14 years he styled the look of the Keizertimes and its special sections. Andrew Jackson started his first tour of duty at this newspaper in early 2005, barely out of college, but eager to put his learned skills to work. The Keizertimes may have given[Read More…]

Diversity committee appointments

The City of Keizer adopted a Statement of Values in December, touching on aspects of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. The statement includes, among other elements, a definition of white supremacy as well as a condemnation of it; recognition of historical laws and policies that maintained discrimination and disparity; recognition[Read More…]