Of all the individual series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the one belonging to the god of thunder did not truly take flight and rise above middling-to-decent until the third entry, Taika Waititi’s excellent Thor: Ragnarok. Colorful, hilarious, and exciting, it was just the jolt that the self-proclaimed strongest Avenger[Read More…]
Reacher offers prime action in a big package
It’s sometimes hard to remember that at one point the Mission: Impossible series was more than just an excuse to watch Tom Cruise perform increasingly dangerous stunts. A classic 60s television show, it was not until the first film adaptation in 1996 that the seminal spy property would start to[Read More…]
Firestarter is a snoozefest
For every great novel in Stephen King’s expansive body of work, there are two that are less-than-memorable. For every less-than-memorable book, there are a handful of really crappy movies and TV shows based on those books. Not all adaptations can be a Misery or a Shawshank Redemption, sometimes things end[Read More…]
The importance of Pride month
June is LGBTQ+ pride month which celebrates different sexualities, gender identities and focuses on educating ourselves and others about the history of the community. The Stonewall Riots is a crucial aspect of the LGBTQ+ community’s history, as it completely changed what rights gay and trans people have. On June 28,[Read More…]
Bobs Burgers does not disappoint
As a reviewer, I try my hardest to avoid exposure to other people’s opinions of newly released movies and TV shows before I can watch them myself, as well as any spoilers that manage to leak online. I’m the kind of guy whose opinion can be easily swayed by others[Read More…]
Library campaign begins
Keizer is moving closer to having a public library. After vigorous testimony and debate, the Kezer City Council voted to place the question of adding a fee to the city services bill on November’s general election ballot. It is cost-free to the city to put the question on the ballot[Read More…]
Moon Knight Review
Choosing to watch a movie or TV show based on a comic book property can be a daunting task these days if one isn’t, as the late legend Stan Lee would say, a “True believer.” Marvel Studio’s latest theatrical release, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, has no less than four entries[Read More…]
Doctor Strange hits the box office
Nothing dates a movie quite like bad CGI. Take Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films as an example: Released at the very beginning of the twenty-first century, their precursor, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, easily holds up under the scrutiny of eyes that are now twenty years older. The Hobbit films,[Read More…]
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor: I am in support of libraries, but it has to be done right. Keizer needs to stand on its own, but most importantly it needs to be done in a very sound fiscal way. We do not need to do funding with a, well—it may cost you[Read More…]
Amy Queen for Circuit Court judge
Amy Queen To the Editor: Here’s why I am endorsing Amy Queen for Marion County Circuit Judge – Position 14: I worked with Amy on many public safety issues and projects when I was the Woodburn Police Chief and the Salem Deputy Police Chief. Amy is an experienced and talented[Read More…]