
Will the real Post please stand up?

Rep. Bill Post built his name locally as an entertaining, sometimes bombastic talk radio host who delighted in aggravating the left and affirming the right’s beliefs. These skills put him in a position to run for the Oregon Legislature, but it was in many ways his less prominent qualities that[Read More…]

Debate over ISIS bride

In 2014, Hoda Muthana, then 20 years old, left Alabama to become an ISIS bride in Syria. When she left the United States, she posted her passport on her Twitter account and implied she was about to burn it. Now Muthana wants to return to the U.S. with her 18-month-old[Read More…]

I-5 Crossing at Columbia River

To the Editor: Presently, there isn’t enough money available to replace the aging I-5 bridge in the manner currently envisioned. But there still might be a way to build the badly needed replacement by constructing a new crossing in stages.  Phase one: Build a northbound span. Include an emergency access lane. Phase[Read More…]

Senior park rents out of control

To the Editor: Well, they’ve done it this time. This mobile park and many others have been bought by two different investor groups from California. All of us have been seething over the rent increases in the last several years. Over the last three years our space rent has been increased a[Read More…]

The ‘fakes first’ media

By L. BRENT BOZELL III AND TIM GRAHAM The left would expect mere mortals to understand that as opposed to them, the left rises above the rumormongering and misinformation of social media. As with so much else regarding the left, that’s nonsense. It cuts, pastes and amplifies the unsubstantiated ardor[Read More…]

The emergency? Triviality of politics

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi learned that President Trump would declare a national emergency to shift around money to finance his border wall, her denunciation was predictable. But her way of expressing outrage was not. The issue she used to make her point was important on many levels. Observing the[Read More…]

Speaking lies and untruths in D.C.

One of the earliest life lessons I learned was that, if fear and self-loathing were to be avoided, it was best to tell the truth the first time any delicate subject was broached. The matter of not telling the truth, however, seems to be frequent in far too many human exchanges[Read More…]