The Keizer City Council has announced that, beginning January 6, the start time for all regular city council meetings will change to 6 p.m., one hour earlier than the previous start time of 7 p.m. The change aims to accommodate more community members and improve public participation. All meetings will[Read More…]
City Meetings
Grassroots government starts at committee level…such as these
The City of Keizer is seeking applications for appointment to two city committees and youth liaisons. Anyone interested in applying for a position on a committee can pick up an application at Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Rd, apply online at, call Deputy City Recorder Dawn Wilson at 503-856-3418[Read More…]
City Council Meeting Agenda
The City of Keizer is committed to providing equal access to all public meetings and information per the requirements of the ADA and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS). The Keizer Civic Center is wheelchair accessible. If you require any service such as language translation or other interpretive services that furthers your[Read More…]
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 7pm in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: The City of Keizer is committed to providing equal access to all public meetings and information per the requirements of the[Read More…]
Agenda de la reunión del Ayuntamiento
El Ayuntamiento de Keizer se reunirá el lunes 15 de julio a las 7 p.m. en sesión ordinaria.Las siguientes opciones están disponibles si desea ver o participar en la reunión: La Ley de Reuniones Públicas de Oregón autoriza a los órganos rectores a reunirse en sesiones ejecutivas en determinadas situaciones[Read More…]
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, July 15th at 7 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: The Oregon Public Meeting Law authorizes governing bodies to meet in executive session in certain limited situations. An executive session is[Read More…]
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, July 1st at 7 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: The City of Keizer is committed to providing equal access to all public meetings and information per theThe City of Keizer[Read More…]
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, May 20th at 6 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: AGENDAKEIZER CITY COUNCILEXECUTIVE SESSIONMonday, May 20, 20246:00 PMRobert L. Simon Council Chambers930 Chemawa Road NEKeizer, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2.[Read More…]
Keizer executive session
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, May 6th at 5:30 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: AGENDA KEIZER CITY COUNCILEXECUTIVE SESSIONMonday, May 6, 20245:30 PMRobert L. Simon Council Chambers930 Chemawa Road NEKeizer, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER[Read More…]
KEIZER PLANNING COMMISSIONWednesday, May 8, 2024, 6:00 PMKeizer Civic Center