Grassroots Government

Community Diversity Engagement Committee

Meeting held: December 7, 2023

In  attendance:  Laura  Reid, Benita  Picazo,  Tammy  Kunz, Carrie  Brown,  Thais  Rodick, Stephanie Cross, Assistant City Manager Tim Wood, Deputy City Recorder Dawn Wilson

Absent: Nevaeh Music, Shaney Starr

What happened: The committee first divided roles between members to create a proclamation with the Mayor for specific days of observance in 2024 such as Child Abuse Prevention month which will be managed by Carrie Brown in May and Jewish  American Heritage Month in May which will be managed by Reid.

The committee went through the City of Keizer’s 5-year strategic plan for the future. Wood led the conversation noting that several action items in the plan required a change of wording. Wood  also  noted  the  consultants the city hired would not be at the committee’s meeting but at the upcoming City Council work session.

The purpose of the committee going through the plan revolved around understanding who and what the plan does not cover within the city as well as if the goals of the plan will have a negative impact on Keizer citizens.

Wood described several areas of focus for the committee, namely how the plan proposes the police should interact with citizens, how the promotion of a safe, healthy community will be described as well as looking into the communication plan aspect and ensuring the plan addresses all communi- ties in the city.

The committee reviewed the updated list of community organizations operating in Keizer as well as assigning members of the CDEC to attend other committee meetings such as the Budget Committee’s Long Range Planning meeting as well as the Parks Advisory Board and the Planning Commission.

The committee discussed the city’s mandate from the Secretary of State Election Division to trans- late utility bills as well as other city legal documents for citizens who speak Spanish (27,066), Russian (1,263), Chinese (654), Vietnamese (338) and Marshallese (336).

The conversation revolved around the logistics of creating translations for all bills and legal documents as well as the cost of doing so for the city. Reid proposed to look into how other cities have tackled this issue and to adopt a workable plan for Keizer.

Parks & Recreation Advisory Board

Meeting held: December 12, 2023 In attendance: Matt Lawyer, Tanya Hamilton, Lisa Cejka, David Louden, Clay Rushton, Gwen Carr,Mike Pantalone, Bob Shackelford Public Works Staff Liaison

Robert Johnson, Deputy City Recorder Dawn Wilson

Absent: Katie Brady, Dan Kohler What happened: No comments were made by the public. First order of business dealt with assigning each board member a park in Keizer that they are responsible for consis- tently checking and reporting the condition it is in to the board.

Public Works Liaison Johnson gave  a  staff  report  indicating that the docks at Keizer Rapids Park have been removed allowing the river to rise and fall without any issues. Graffiti was found at both Claggett Creek Park and Willamette Manor Park.

Volunteer Coordinating Committee

Meeting held: December 14, 2023

In attendance: Daisy Hickman, Jane Herb, Dawn Reichle-Bailon, Corri Falardeau, Emerson Carella, Councilor Shaney Starr, Deputy City Recorder Dawn Wilson

Absent: Larry Jackson, Leslie Risewick

What happened: No testimony from the public. The committee first moved to close the nominations process for selecting positions 5 and 7 to the Traffic/Safety and Pedestrians Committee. Keizer residents David Philbrick, Matt Myers and Tammy Kunz presented their background and why they were best for the position.

The committee then voted for Philbrick for position 5 and Myers for position 7.

The committee looked over resumes for position 7 on the Public Art Commission and called up Deborah Sicso who shared her love for art and color theory.

The committee chose Sisco and sent her approval as well as the approval for Philbrick and Myers to be approved at a future city council meeting.

Public Arts Commission

Meeting held: December 19, 2023

In  attendance: Kim Steen, Lore  Christopher, Laura Reid, Marilyn Wood, Kat Thoreson, Katie Kline, Dawn Wilson

Absent: Adam Brown, Derek Bish

What happened: No comments were made by the public. The commission  began with  Christopher  moving  to accept Christina Patterson’s actual mini-quilt from the 2023 Holiday Card Contest.

A discussion between the commission occurred as to what quilts will be shown as well from Feb – March.

Only noted expenses for the commission was $500 for utility box wraps and the annual maintenance (re-sealing) of the wood carvings.

Christopher described  how an update to the Keizer Public Art Commission (KPAC) Master Plan is needed, to include street art and controlled graffiti and establish  a  subcommittee  to periodically update the plan.

Mayor Clark wanted a simple saying: “City of Keizer” on the wall behind the dias in the Council  Chambers. Ric Smith will create the sign.

Pieces submitted for display prior to the  meeting were reviewed with Kaethe Mentrum’s two pieces,

“Phalaenopsis Thriving in the Jungle” and “Peonies  at their Glory,” to be displayed for 60 to 90 days.

Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051

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