Of the Keizertimes
Election day results for the Keizer Fire District (KFD) and the Marion County Fire District #1 (MCFD #1) tax votes are in and show both districts adopting the increased taxes.
With 100 percent of the vote for each district tallied, the KFD vote showed 59 percent in favor of the tax. Voters in the MCFD#1 reported 51 percent in favor of the new taxes.
The newly adopted 5-year fire tax plan is in response to to the 71% increase in calls for emergency services that have been rising over the years with a 10 % increase in emergency services calls from just last year.
The plan will increase the amount of funding available to the fire department to hire and train more employees, maintain equipment as well as purchase more fire equipment.
The tax will provide this by increasing the current tax rate of .59 cents of every dollar to .99 of every dollar.