Six Keizer educators receive Crystal Apple noms

The official list of nominees for the 2023 Crystal Apple Awards was released, and six Keizer school educators are among the 89 names up for recognition.

Clear Lake Elementary School principal Greg Watson is the lone member of administration nominated.

Stephen Haner, an industrial tech and leadership teacher at Claggett Creek Middle School and McNary High School emotional growth classroom educator Kyle McGrath received nominations. 

Two counselors, Ashley Delarosa from Claggett Creek and Pat Curran from Whiteaker Middle School, are nominated for awards. As is Kennedy Elementary School special programs instructional assistant Gabriela Steinlicht. 

The 24th annual Crystal Apple Awards, returning for the first time since 2019, will be held Feb. 10, at the Salem Convention Center. The evening will include dinner and entertainment during the awards ceremony emceed by Zach DuFault. 

Tickets are available online at