SPORTS: McNary’s swimming and wrestling teams head for district competition Friday and Saturday. The boys basketball team, meantime, got its second league win of the season.
Author: Keizertimes Staff
Keizer police probe shooting outside local dispensary
Police are investigating a shooting Jan. 30 outside a dispensary on North River Road in Keizer.
SPORTS: Celts lose league games in basketball play
SPORTS: McNary’s basketball teams lost their two recent games. Swimmers and wrestlers prepare for dual meets in the week ahead.
SPORTS: McNary seniors spotlighted during swim meet against North Salem
SPORTS: McNary’s swim team faces Sprague in final dual meet of the season on Feb. 6. The Celts recently defeated North Salem as they celebrated their seniors.
SPORTS: Celts fall to South Salem in league basketball play
SPORTS: The McNary boys basketball team fell to South Salem and faces Sprague in a home game on Tuesday, Jan. 28. The girls also lost to the Saxons.
‘Mermaid’ making splash with 6-day run on McNary stage
Don’t miss a chance to see McNary’s High School’s production of “The Little Mermaid,” which opens Jan. 23. The show continues through Feb. 1, with a special party for young theater-goers before that day’s matinee.
Parsons, a veteran of city council service, named Keizer First Citizen
A NIGHT OF HONORS: Keizer Chamber of Commerce cites Marlene Parsons as Keizer First Citizen and honors other community leaders. Photos take you there.
SPORTS: Basketball teams fall to West Salem in league play
SPORTS: Celts face South Salem on Friday as Central Conference League play continues.
Keizer Chamber serving up citizen awards at Jan. 18 banquet
Keizer’s don’t-miss event – the First Citizen awards banquet – is here. The festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18.
Keizertimes changing of the guard: Zaitz retires, Barney named GM
Longtime publisher Lyndon Zaitz has retired from the Keizertimes to focus on his health. Robin Barney has been promoted to general manager.