Future Natural Resources Leaders meeting on Saturday, April 20

A student competes at the 2023 Oregon Future Natural Resources Leaders convention.

Oregon Future Natural Resources Leaders (OFRNL) will hold part of its 2024 convention at Powerland Heritage Park (formerly known as Antique Powerland) on Saturday, April 20.

The event, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.,  is free and open to the public. Parking is also free.

Oregon FNRL programs teach forestry and natural resources to high school students. It is a Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO), similar to FFA, FBLA or DECA.

On April 20, 28 schools from throughout Oregon will compete in a number of events.

The events will include compass and pacing, hose lay, log scaling, tree climbing, arbor climbing,  cable splicing, choker setting, crosscut bucking and more, culminating in a traditional log roll.

FNRL is dedicated to training and supporting teachers and students in forestry and natural resource programs. It providse leadership training to students and professional development to staff. 

FNRL chapters are Forestry or Natural Resource Programs in high schools in Oregon. These programs go through a process to become “Approved Programs of Study.” This includes college partnerships, and student leadership (FNRL).

FNRL is working to expand to neighboring states that have similar programs. 

ODE’s funding provides part-time contract pay and minor program funding. All other funding comes from private donations or grants.

Heritage Powerland Park is located on Brooklake Road between River Road N. and Interstate 5.