Fall term president’s list for the Oregon Institute of Technology 

The following students have been listed on the 23-24 Fall Term Presidents’s list at the Oregon Institute of Technology: 

Sebastian Brunk of Keizer 

Eric Dal Porto of Keizer 

Noha Escobar of Keizer 

Emma John of Keizer 

Alice Marquez of Keizer 

Aden Ratliff of Keizer 

Julia Shcherbakov of Keizer 

Angeli Wilson of Keizer 

Founded in 1947 in Klamath Falls, the Oregon Institute of Technology is one of the leading multi-technic schools here in Oregon. The programs at the school are geared towards preparing students to be effective in their future careers. The Institute of Technology has several campuses each focusing on a separate education aspect. 

The campus in Klamath Falls has a residential campus, the campus in the Portland Metro area is more industry-focused, an online campus as well as offering degrees through Boeing Seattle. 

For more information or for those interested in applying visit to learn more

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