NW Natural customers may be eligible for free heating and insulation upgrades

October is National Energy Awareness month, and Northwest Natural wants to make sure customers in Marion and Polk counties are aware of some chances to save money.

Customers with qualifying incomes could be eligible for free weatherization services. These services include home insulation, sealing air leaks and updating to high-efficiency gas furnaces or hot water heaters.

To qualify, households must fall below certain limits based on occupancy:

  • One person: $2,430/month
  • Two people: $3,2866.66/month
  • Three people: $4,143.33/month
  • Four people: $5,000/month
  • Additional household members: additional $857/month each

“Taking steps to better weatherize your home can save you money, make your home more comfortable and reduce overall energy use,” said Mary Moerlins, Director of Environmental Policy and Corporate Responsibility at NW Natural. “Through our partners at Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency, we’re proud to be able to help customers take steps to lower bills and improve home comfort.”

For more information or to sign up, contact Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency at 503-585-6232 or visit