If you think you know Keizer, grab your camera and enter the Keizer 40th Birthday Photo Scavenger Hunt, sponsored by the Keizertimes.
There are 17 items on the hunt. Submissions are due no later than noon Friday, June 16.
Find and take photos of these things in Keizer
- a.) A historic statue
- b.) A golf cart at a golf club
- c.) A huge diamond ring
- d.) A Sasquatch
- e.) The oldest building in Keizer
- f.) A swing in a city park
- g.) A duck in any of Keizer’s waterways
- h.) A spire
- i.) A blooming bearded iris
- j.) A public tennis court
- k.) A gazebo
- l.) Keizer city flag
- m.) A public fountain
- n.) Painted angel wings
- o.) A food truck
- p.) A dog being walked in Keizer
- q.) A sidewalk A-framed sign
Rules: Submit all 17 photos to [email protected] no later than noon on Friday, June 16.
One winner will be determined by the Keizertimes. Prize is a basket filled with gifts supplied by local businesses.
The winner will be announced on Saturday, June 17, at the city’s 40th birthday celebration at the Keizer Civic Center.