Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 6, candidates Krissy Hudson and Larry Scruggs speak following the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
The Keizer Neighborhood Associations held a combined forum on Friday, hosting candidates up for director roles in the coming special election.
Candidates for Keizer Fire District Board, Chemeketa Community College and Salem-Keizer School Board took the opportunity to introduce themselves to those in attendance, and share their qualifications and plans.
Keizer Fire District
Louis Risewick, candidate for Keizer Fire District Director, Position 3, prepares to address the crowd at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Kevin Clark, candidate for Keizer Fire District Board Directory, Postion 4, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Betty Hart, incumbent candidate for Keizer Fire District Board Director, Position 5, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
William Klein, candidate for Keizer Fire Distict Director, Zone 5, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
The four candidates for KFD Board Director positions were in attendance.
Two of them run unopposed, Louis Risewick for Zone 3 Kevin Clark for Zone 4. In Zone 5, incumbent Betty Hart squares off with William Klein.
Chemeketa Community College
Neva Hutchinson, for Zone 3, was the only candidate for the Chemeketa Community College Board in attendance on Friday. Diane L. Watson for Zone 6 was also scheduled, but travel issues kept her from attending.
Neva Hutchinson, candidate for Chemeketa Community College Director, Zone 3, at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Salem-Keizer Public Schools
All six candidates for the three director seats up in this election were at the forum. Each of the three zones up for election have a pair of candidates running.
Zone 2 pits Casity Troutt and Cynthia Richardson against each other.
Casity Troutt, candidate for Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 2, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Cynthia Richardson, candiate for Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 2, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
In Zone 4, incumbent Satya Chandragiri is paired with Kelley Strawn.
Satya Chandragiri, incumbent candidate for Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 4, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Kelley Strawn, candidate for Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 4, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
And in Zone 6, Krissy Hudson and Larry Scruggs face off.
Krissy Hudson, candidate for Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 2, speaks at the Keizer Neightborhood Associations special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Larry Scruggs, candidate for Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 6, speaks at the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
Salem-Keizer School Board Director, Zone 6, candidates Krissy Hudson and Larry Scruggs speak following the Keizer Neighborhood Association special election candidate forum at the Keizer City Center on April 6. (JOSHUA MANES/Keizertimes)
The special election is May 16. The Keizertimes will have more on all the candidates in the coming weeks leading up to the election.