In an early celebration of Earth Day, the Salem Symphonic Winds will present The Blue Marble, a film and symphony by composer Julie Giroux, on April 16 in the Rose Auditorium at South Salem High School.
Giroux’s The Blue Marble, conducted by John Skelton, is a three movement piece she hopes kindles a renewed celebration of the planet.
“I hope The Blue Marble fills hearts & minds with a renewed love for our planet, our one and only home,” Giroux said. “Earth is the one thing we all have in common. It does not belong to us. We belong to it. It is our only home, and we should always treat it as such, with every generation leaving it healthier & happier than the way they found it.”
The Blue Marble is an innovative performance that utilizes sight, sound and even smell. The Salem Symphonic Winds are only the second band in the country to utilize scent technology.
The concert will also feature Symphonies of Gaia by composer Jayce Ogren. Gaia was the Titan goddess of the Earth in Greek mythology.
“I sincerely hope that Symphonies of Gaia will, in some form, inspire others to understand and take action against the environmental crises we now so desperately face,” Ogren said.
The Blue Marble begins at 3 p.m.
The Ventus Quartet will have a pre-concert program starting at 2:40.
Reserved seating is available for $25. General admission is also available, with adults $20, seniors (60+) for $15, college and university students $10 and 18 and under $5.
Oregon Trail Card holders may purchase tickets after 2:15 p.m. on the day of the show for $5.
For tickets and more information, visit