The Keizer Network of Women’s Giving Basket program takes on heightened importance this year due to COVID-19. The annual program provides boxes of food and toys for area families in need.
The public is encouraged to take part in the Giving Tags part of the project. The public can get tags with the names of children and their gift wish items from trees at 12 locations around Keizer.
Unwrapped gifts are due back to the location where the tags were chosen no later than Friday, Dec. 4.
Giving Basket tags can be found at Mommy and Maddi’s (4765 River Rd. N); Los Dos Hermanos (3950 River Rd. N); Willamette Valley Bank (5140 River Rd. N); Columbia Bank (4260 River Rd. N); Courthouse Club Fitness (117 McNary Estates Dr. N); St. Edward Catholic Church (5303 River Rd. N); Copy Cats Keizer (3800 River Rd. N): , Physiq Fitness (3850 River Rd. N): Celtic Self Storage (1101 Chemawa Rd. N): The Chicken Shack (3844 River Rd. N) and Keizer Liquor Store (5021 River Rd. N).
For information about Giving Tags or to volunteer to sort food, wrap gifts or delivery Giving Baskets in December call the Keizer Chamber of Commerce at 503-393-9111.