The locker room hazing incidents at McNary have brought up some big questions around athletic programs and locker room supervision.
Book Review: “How to Be Remembered” by Micheal Thompson
Better write yourself a note. That’s the only way you’re going to remember anything anymore. If it ain’t written down, it doesn’t exist. Tie a string on your finger, clip on a clothes pin, set a timer somewhere, whatever works to jog your memory is what you do. But in the new book “How to Be Remembered” by Michael Thompson, the forgetting runs much deeper.
Opinion: The slippery slope of sportwashing and politicizing sport
The sanctity of sport is currently facing two very real threats It’s not P.E.D.s. And it’s certainly not college athletes getting paid. No, the issues that threaten to crumble the foundation aren’t even really seen on the field, but instead are a part of the geo-political stadium — sportwashing and[Read More…]
Parents: Going to your kids’ games matters
In the winter of 1997, I was six years old and playing my first year of basketball for Salem Parks and Recreation. I was on the yellow team — seriously, we didn’t even have a team name. One of the days where we had a game, my dad had scored[Read More…]