To the Editor: Representative Bill Post is a constant source of amusement. Every now and then he makes sense. Like for instance when he suggested to the head case adolescents (aka Proud Boys) that intimidating state employee—in front of their homes —was bad form. Ah, but then, Post (and state[Read More…]
Author: Martin Doerfler
LETTER: The times are a changin’
To the Editor: It seems that my state Rep. Bill Post (Tea Party, Trump Party, whatever) is a little cranky after a group of Democrats, led by City Councilor Roland Herrera and my wife, Carol Doerfler, supported three candidates for Keizer City Council who were not (horrors!) darlings of the[Read More…]
LETTER: Symptoms to watch for?
To the Editor: Here’s another 2020 thing to worry about. It seems that we may add to the list of COVID-19 symptoms, sweating, orange skin tone, and incoherant unstopable babbling about voter fraud, antifa, socialism, Obama’s terrible crimes and nasty women. If you encounter a person exhibiting these symptoms, stand[Read More…]
LETTER: Inclusivity
To the Editor: Question: When white folks are no longer the majority—soon, I’m told—would they/we not hope to be included in the civic discussion? The inclusivity resolution proposed for adoption by city council—with no force of law—has recieved some surprising (disappointing) push back from a few council members and pretenders.[Read More…]
Letter: Fireworks
To the Editor: Here’s another grumpy old man’s take on the fireworks issue. (Got a problem with fireworks? Keizertimes, July 24). First, the Fourth of July is a day, not a month. There would be far less complaining if the citizens Keizer Police Chief John Teague has called “patriots” (perhaps he[Read More…]
To the Editor: Call this an old radio guy’s lament: While there is no doubt (except in the mind of a certain “stable genius”) that the Russians meddled in the last election and are at it again—sowing discontent on new media to improve the reelection chances of the aforementioned Tweeter-in-Chief,[Read More…]
Mitigate climate change
To the Editor: Science says: The two most effective things we human individuals can do to mitigate climate change are, (1) drive less and, (2) stop eating red meat. Something to think about while you’re sucking exhaust fumes in the In-N-Out que waiting to order a double dead cow. Just sayin’.[Read More…]