Thatcher State Sen. Kim Thatcher, R-Keizer, is seeking to cement a ban on “vaccine passports” with introduction of a new bill. On Thursday, June 3, Thatcher introduced Senate Bill 872. The bill would prohibit public and private entities from denying services based on COVID-19 vaccination status. Thatcher called Gov. Kate[Read More…]
Author: Eric A. Howald
Third time’s the cure: “Sudafed Bill” sails through legislative approval
Rep. Bill Post, R-Keizer, had one, all-caps answer when asked how he felt about the passage of a bill he sponsored to relax laws on dispensing pseudoephedrine, the medication that helps reduce allergy symptoms. “RELIEF,” said Post via email. House Bill (HB) 2648, which was approved by the Oregon House[Read More…]
Murky path to interim city manager lies ahead: Day grinds axe over candidate, informal public intro June 14
Keizer City Councilor Ross Day took aim at the process by which the city is selecting an interim city manager and the primary candidate under consideration for the job at a city council meeting Monday, June 7. Noting that the city manager is one of only two direct employees of[Read More…]
Honoring differences with flags makes for a thorny issue, city council talk
The, at times, confusing protections of the First Amendment entangled discussion of the city flying a LGBTQ+ Pride flag during a Keizer City Council meeting Monday, June, 7. While it is unlikely to happen this year, the city may still pursue a rotating display inside the Keizer Civic Center or[Read More…]
City will get to plan for fewer new residents
Keizer may not need to accommodate nearly as many new residents in the coming decades. Two years ago, the city was asked to plan for nearly 10,000 new residents. New, tentative population estimates cut the forecast by more than half. Despite the radical change, some on the Keizer City Council[Read More…]
You say you want a revolution? These ladies have a plan
Jessica Cavanaugh as Olympe De Gouge and Lemon Marin as Marianne Angelle conspire together during dress rehearsals. The cast and director of the newest Keizer Homegrown Theatre production, The Revolutionists, agree the play only became more relevant during its year-long delay from casting to stage. “My character, Charlotte Corday, is[Read More…]
Traffic safety committee ponders slower speeds, better bike lane striping
Figuring out how to make the city more friendly for pedestrians and cyclists through reduced speeds and new asphalt striping were some of the leading topics of a recent Traffic Safety, Bikeways and Pedestrian Committee. “Under the new standards, River Road north of Lockhaven and Wheatland Road could both be[Read More…]
Youth leagues push back on who endorsed who for park management
The leadership of three Keizer-based youth leagues are pushing back against the assertion they in any way endorsed a plan for the For Love of the Game to manage and relocate operations at Keizer Little League Park. A committee of city councilors, staff and volunteers recently recommended awarding a management[Read More…]
ODFW sounds all clear on backyard feeders
Oregon bird enthusiasts can put their yard feeders out once again. Earlier this year, officials from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife asked residents to take down feeders to halt the spread of salmonella among some local bird populations. The disease appears to have run its course in the[Read More…]
KLL Park’s future could be at Volcanoes Stadium; Plans include ‘mini-Fenway’
The owners of the Mavericks League are proposing to rebuild the Keizer’s youth league fields at the stadium and add a scaled down Fenway Park replica to the mix. This story includes updates from the original version. The leadership of the Keizer youth leagues are also pushing back on which[Read More…]