Author: Carolyn Homan

Limiting talking time for officials

Regarding the Feb. 26 Page 1 story, Councilors debate rule changes, I find it curious that Councilor Ross Day knows of “no other body” that limits the time an elected member can speak. Really? How about the U.S. House of Representatives, as one example?  According to the House’s official rules, “House[Read More…]

Focus and mindset on housing

To the Editor: The mental whiplash in the January 15 issue of the Keizertimes demands not only a “change in mindset,” but “focused” scrutiny of our city leadership.  Compare the articles, Buckle Up: Homes in Keizer white hot, extremely limited with new City Councilor Kyle Juran’s analysis of housing disparity[Read More…]

LETTER: Support for Michele Roland-Schwartz

To the Editor: I’m supporting Michele Roland-Schwartz for Keizer city council, Position 3, because she is a strong voice for a future in Keizer that recognizes change as a positive force. She is executive director of a non-profit serving survivors of sexual violence and will bring a commitment to humanity[Read More…]

LETTER: Dylan Juran for council

To the Editor: My support goes to Dylan Juran for Position 2, Keizer Council. Dylan has been in Keizer since he was 4, went to school here, bought a home here. He believes he has a duty to himself, his family to invest in the community and make it better.[Read More…]