COMMUNITY, Home and Garden

Spring into action 

April can have unpredictable weather patterns in the Pacific Northwest. Mostly rainy days with breaks of sun. Cooler temperatures and sometimes even ice and snow have made appearances in early spring. 

But you can still get your hands dirty. 

Planning and preparation for a beautiful show of blooms and bountiful edibles are in order this month. Here are a few tips to help bring out the best in your lawn. 

• Fertilize your lawn. Allow the early spring rain to carry the fertilizer into the soil. 

• Bait for slugs. Apply slug bait around newly planted flowers and emerging perennials. Clean the areas that harbor debris and make good hiding places for slugs, sowbugs, and millipedes. 

• Prepare the garden soil for spring planting. Incorporate organic material and other amendments as needed. 

• Prune and shape spring-blooming shrubs and trees after the blossoms have faded. 

• Cut and remove weeds near the garden areas to decrease the risk of plant disease. 

• Plant summer-blooming bulbs like gladioli, lilies, and begonias as long as weather permits. 

Cover transplants to protect against late spring frosts. 

• Start planting your vegetable garden. Plant cabbage, lettuce, broccoli and other cole crop vegetables. It is also the perfect time to plant strawberries. 

• Alternative outdoor gardening planning can include implementing raised beds if you don’t have the space in your yard. 

• Container gardening for herbs, pretty perennials and annuals can scratch the gardening itch. Indoor gardening is always in season. 

• Houseplants come out of their dormant stage and could use a transplant. Looking for more spring gardening inspiration? 

Find exactly what you’re looking for at Al’s Garden & Home’s four locations or online at

(Submitted by Al’s Garden and Homes.)

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