Under your home are wooden posts, installed while the home is being built and made to fit the home’s needs at that moment. As the years progress, the soil that the home sits on begins to settle.
Those once perfectly fit posts end up floating above their footing, causing the living spaces to encounter bouncing floors as well as doors sticking in their frames.
While this is a natural occurrence for a home, it can be exacerbated with water issues. When water levels rise and saturate the wooden posts, rot or mildew occurs. As the water damages the wood, those posts begin to deteriorate, leaving the home unstable. For both the natural and water-based post issues, we are proud to install SmartJacks.
This amazing product is made of galvanized steel and cannot succumb to water problems. They are adjustable, so as the years go by they can be adjusted by a professional to keep your home stable.
SmartJacks come in many different sizes to suit crawl spaces and basements that are up to ten feet tall. A single SmartJack is rated to carry up to 30,000 pounds and can be installed to replace wooden posts or added as supplemental support where needed. Once installed, we perform annual maintenance visits so they can be tightened or loosened as needed each year.
It is important to keep up on your home’s structural health and address it with the right solutions. We often see pieces of wood stacked under beams in a crawl space to provide support but this is not an exact fit and does not provide the proper support for your home in the long run. Should you experience sloping floors or doors that stick in your home, give us a call at John’s Waterproofing.
There could be an issue occurring under your feet and we are proud to offer the solution that is built to last.
(Jessica Dingle is with John’s Waterproofing.)
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