The Keizer City Council met on April 1, to deliver several proclamations and discuss a host of other important issues.
Two proclamations were made to commemorate the month of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and Volunteer Recognition Month.
Kyle Tarr from Liberty House and the Marion County Child Abuse committee spoke about the issues of child abuse here in Oregon stating that a car parade will be held Friday, April 5th at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in honor of Child Abuse Prevention month.
The event is sponsored by multiple organizations such as CASA of Marion County, Liberty House and various law enforcement organizations in the area.
More information about the event and organizations involved can be found at the Liberty House Facebook page.
Corri Falardeau, executive director of the Keizer Chamber and chair of the Volunteer Coordinating committee, spoke about the hard work volunteers in Keizer make towards helping run the city. She described how much of the city of Keizer’s government, save city staff, are entirely volunteer such as the entire city council and mayor.
One public comment was made by Falardeau in regards to bringing the KeizerFEST parade back to the month of May and related events happening throughout the month.
Falardeau listed a series of events happening including the mayor’s prayer breakfast on May 2 at 7:15 a.m. Those interested can sign up on the Keizer chamber website.
Falardeau described a golf tournament happening on May 17 at the McNary Golf Club from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. and that the Bloomin’ Iris parade will be held on May 18, starting at 10 a.m. and traveling down River Road.
A speed study was conducted by DKS & Associates, a transportation company that provides planning, engineering, and management services for transportation systems throughout the Pacific Northwest.
The study was prompted in a Dec. 4, 2023 council meeting in order to evaluate the possibility of expanding the existing school speed zone on Lockhaven Drive to include the McNary High School property, according to the associated staff report.
Scott Mansur of DKS & Associates presented the findings, highlighting that no expansion of the speed zone in front of McNary was warranted.
Mansur described the determination criteria such as how, after looking at crash data about the McNary School frontage, that over the last five years there has only been six crashes there, none of which were speed related.
They also found that, based on the findings, because the space desired for younger kids to cross at, McClure Street, is farther away than what a normal reduced speed zone would encompass, this would create a scenario where less cars will remain compliant with the reduced speed area due to that extended length, according to Mansur.
The city council discussed a resolution that would allow Brown to sign a purchase letter of intent relating to selling a 7-acre land parcel, Keizer Station Area A, to Cordelio Power, a Canadian-based company that develops and operates renewable power across continental America.
The proposed development revolves around creating more energy storage though a five-year window is required as there are a number of environmental procedures that must first be completed prior to the start of construction.
The five-year option states that the overall price per acre is $125,000 with option payments for each year starting at $15,000 in year one and ascending $5,000 per year, according to the associated staff report. Option payments will not be added to the overall purchasing price set.
While this purchase would not create many jobs in Keizer it would provide another source of revenue for the city government, according to Brown.
The council moved to adopt the resolution, voting to approve it unanimously.
The council looked over a request to approve City Manager Adam Brown to purchase a 2024 Ford F150 truck for the Public Works department.
At the March 18, city council meeting, council approved the motion to create the purchasing agreement.
The cost of the brand-new truck is $51,472.85 and will require a supplemental budget to “ensure adequate appropriations are available in the Water Fund for the vehicle acquisition,” according to the city staff report.
Council made a motion to approve the purchase authorization and approved it unanimously.
Co u n c i l next held two public hearings for businesses, Bai Bua Thai Kitchen at 5733 River Rd. and Mesa del Rincon Cerveceria & Taproom at 5137 River Rd., who are applying for an OLCC license in order to sell alcohol at their respective places of business.
Council made a motion to approve both licenses for the businesses which was approved unanimously.
The Greater Northeast Keizer Neighborhood Association (GNEKNA) representative Tammy Kunz presented an annual report from the association about happenings, a summary of special events as well as participation and input gathered from members and the community.
At each annual meeting, the council will make a determination on whether or not to have the association continue to be recognized by the city.
After discussion, the council made a motion to approve GNEKNA recognition for another year and agreed unanimously.
The council had a discussion about authorizing City Manager Adam Brown to purchase a license plate reader (LPR) system along with necessary included hardware.
Research done by Keizer police on the system revealed that the best price quote from either local or national sellers was from Brite, a New York-based computer and technology company, for $65,467.80.
That pricing includes five years of camera licensing from Rekor Scout, 16 Axis Q1700-LE cameras able to see at both day and night, internal memory storage for the cameras as well as associated mounting hardware, according to the staff report.
No other costs would be incurred for five years when licensing would be required again, and while no projected cost for this future cost was stated, Keizer Police chief Andrew Copeland noted that the cost would likely go up.
Councilor Laura Reid inquired about how the department would track data to verify the system’s usefulness with Copeland responding that tracked data points would involve how fast the system allowed police to track a suspect to its ability to locate stolen vehicles within the city.
Brown described how the city purchasing these camera systems are just one part of three steps including cameras being placed in city parks as well as placing body cams on Keizer officers.
The council discussed a franchise agreement plan with Ziply Fiber Pacific Inc., continued from a previous council meeting.
Through exercising the ordinance to charge businesses for the use of Keizer’s public right-of-way the city will garner 7% of gross revenue that Ziply Fiber earns in the city.
The council then moved to adopt the resolution and approved the motion unanimously.
Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051
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