Salem-born Keizer resident, Dr. Leanne Eggert is one of the co-owners of the Creekside Veterinary clinic located at 113 McNary Estates Dr Suite B and has some important advice to give about canine health.
Similar to the awareness people have developed with COVID, pet owners should be aware of a respiratory illness affecting their canines.
Eggert, who earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University, sat down with Keizertimes to provide more helpful information about a previously reported issue, canine infectious respiratory disease complexes (CIRDC).
Known as a type of canine infectious tracheobronchitis, or kennel cough, this illness often manifests as a mild cold-like illness with a variety of causes, both viral and bacterial.
The illness comprises several possible virus and bacterial origins though due to reduced resources and funding, there has not been an official determination as to what specifically has been affecting canines in the Willamette Valley area.
Telltale signs for this illness are a dry, barking cough, runny noses as well as other typical cold/flu-like symptoms, though one difference to be aware of is the possibility of pets developing pneumonia, according to Eggert.
When patients come to them, Eggert described taking a more cautious approach when giving treatment as patients that appear to be more energetic will be given cough suppressants while pets displaying more lethargy or severe other severe symptoms will qualify for antibiotics.
Eggert recommended having your pet vaccinated to help increase its ability to fight off any potential illnesses as the weather gets warmer and more make the choice to venture out into public.
As of now, there have been around 200 reported cases in Oregon of the illness, with the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA) recommending caution though reminding pet-owners not to worry.
While Creekside specifically has not seen a large influx of patients, around 10-15 this year and one related fatality, they have adopted familiar respiratory illness protocols like having patients wait in the car before being checked in to reduce possible infection of others as well as having higher standards of dispensing antibiotics in the event more cases manifest.
Eggert described that hotspots for the respiratory illness revolve mainly around urban areas where there are more pet owners packed closer together.
Owners should be suspicious if their canine develops an acute onset cough and should contact their vet right away.
If you suspect your pet is sick, be sure to keep them at home so as to not infect more animals.
Specific pet vaccinations owners should be looking for are both the intranasal bordetella vaccine as well as the influenza vaccine and its boosters.
Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051
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