EDITORIAL: Oil, spices and powdered milk

Peanut butter. Macaroni and cheese. Canned soup. These are some of the usual items donated to food banks. Households that are food insecure rely on the pantries, such as Keizer Community Food Bank.

There are items that are rarely asked for yet would make a visit to a food bank a whole new experience. Aside from the usual items we think that complimentary goods are as valuable, goods such as cooking oil, spices and powdered milk.

Spices and herbs are not generally considered food bank fodder, but people shouldn’t be relegated to bland meals just because they ask for assistance. Imagine how onion and garlic powder, thyme, sage, oregano and other herbs will enhance their meals.

Powered milk is an excellent item to donate for the nutrition of children. It can used not only for drinking but also with cereal and for baking. Patrons will be very appreciative for these simple items not usually food those on food bank shelves.

It is important for donors to consider these items. The food banks can stretch donated dollars to their fullest extend, but it is most likely they will not be purchasing cooking oil, spices, herbs and powered milk. That’s where community members can havae an immediate effect on our neighbors in need.