Community outreach

There are times when a city wants to impart information to residents—a new service fee, an announcement of a community event or a solicitation for responses to a survey. 

ON MY MIND: Carefully taught

The war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has ignited hate violence here in the United States. Incidents of anti-Semiticism have skyrocketed and some Palestinians and Muslims have also been targeted for violence by people with hatred in their hearts. 

EDITORIAL: Oil, spices and powdered milk

There are items that are rarely asked for yet would make a visit to a food bank a whole new experience. Aside from the usual items we think that complimentary goods are as valuable, goods such as cooking oil, spices and powdered milk.

EDITORIAL: Empathy squad

When behavioral health, drug use, homelessness and budgetary constraints meet, the impact is unsettling. The public wants a solution to what some perceive as a threat to the quality of life Keizer has worked to develop over decades.

Mannix for District 21

Keizer voters will choose between two candidates for state House District 21 in the general election: the former state rep- resentative, Republican Kevin Mannix, and Democrat Ramiro Navarro.