One of Oregon’s cultural and historical touchstones returns this weekend just north of Keizer.
The 2023 Great Oregon Steam Up will be held Powerland Heritage Park on Brookline Rd., between River Rd. and Interstate 5.
The premier attraction are the many steam-operated tractors as well as a steam-powered sawmill and many machines, many over 100 years old.
Demonstrations will take place during the event including old farming methods, blacksmithing, logging and flour milling.
One of the most popular attractions is the miniature train offering trolley rides.
A Parade of Power snakes through the grounds each day at 1:30 p.m.
Powerland Heritage Park is home to 14 different museums including the newest model railroad museum.
Hours of the Steam Up are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. all four days. Admission is $17 for adults, $12 for students. Kids 12 and under are admitted free. Admission is also free for veterans in uniform or with military ID. Parking is $5.
For a full schedule visit