“One of my main goals in my job is to make sure that the citizens have access to their local government.”
That is what Tracy Davis said about her position of city recorder of Keizer. She has held the position since October 1992 and has won the Quill Award from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).
Davis was a municipal court clerk in two other cities before being hired in that capacity for Keizer in August 1991. In 1992, when Sue Darby stepped down as Keizer’s city recorder, Davis was asked to be the interim recorder. She took the position permanently in October of that year.
“At that time,” she said, ”it was an appointment by the City Council.” Since then, appointing the recorder has been the city manager’s job.
She at first oversaw the Municipal Court, now supervised by the finance director.
Davis oversees all the city records and elections. Insurance risk management, the Keizer Community Center and volunteers are her responsibilities. She also helps the other city departments with information.
Assisting her is Deputy City Recorder Debbie Lockhart, who focuses on volunteers, maintains city records and runs the city website. Also under Davis are Lily Von, community center coordinator, and Nolan Gonzalez, community center assistant.
Asked what interesting things have happened in the city during her time as recorder, Davis put building Keizer Station at the head of the list. Another highlight, she said, was the move of city offices to the current City Hall in March 2009.
Another big change she mentioned was the change from paper packets to electronic packets.
“It’s a great community filled with a lot of great people,” Davis said of Keizer.
City recorders in Oregon, she noted, go through a certification program. The first step reached in the program is certified municipal clerk (CMC), and the next is master municipal clerk.
The Quill Award is open to all IIMC members, deceased members, retired clerks and clerks who have taken other positions — except that IIMC directors and officers must wait until after stepping down.