Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, April 1st at 7 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: AGENDA KEIZER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION Monday, April 1, 2024 7:00 PM Robert L. Simon Council Chambers – Keizer, Oregon 1.[Read More…]
Tag: City of Keizer
Grassroots Government
City government meetings for November, 2023.
City on the lookout for volunteers
The City of Keizer is soliciting applications for volunteers to be considered to serve for multiple committees.
A beach awaits after sterling 32-year career
A sunny beach on the Cayman Islands awaits Tracy Davis’ first days of retirement after July 13. Davis will close out her career as Keizer’s longest-serving City Recorder after more than 30 years in the position.
City Council Meeting Agenda
AGENDA KEIZER CITY COUNCILREGULAR SESSION Monday, April 3, 2023 7:00 p.m. Robert L. Simon Council Chambers Keizer, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESSa. PROCLAMATION – Volunteer Recognition Month b. PROCLAMATION – National Child Abuse Prevention Month c. The Lava Dome[Read More…]
She manages the city’s greatest asset
A city is an organization with many parts, none more than its Human Resources Department. Keizer’s two-person HR Department, led by Machell DePina, is busy every day not only keeping records up to date for more than 100 employees but also their health insurance and pension needs.
DePina took Keizer’s Human Resource director position after years serving similar positions with the state of Oregon in both the Employment and Child Services departments.
Keeping the books
Providing city services with the available funds is a challenge for Tim Wood.
Wood, Keizer’s finance director, notes that Keizer had a low tax rate when it incorporated, and he said that Ballot Measure 5, which limited property tax rates in 1990, was little help.
Access to government is her goal
“One of my main goals in my job is to make sure that the citizens have access to their local government.”
That is what Tracy Davis said about her position of city recorder of Keizer. She has held the position since October 1992 and has won the Quill Award from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).
Keizer Toy Swap recycles joy
This year Keizer and Marion County families can find a way to have presents under the tree while saving money and reducing environmental impact.
The City of Keizer, Marion County and Marion County Master Recyclers are hosting the first annual Toy Swap, where families can trade in lightly used toys and games.