Chris Eppley
The former Keizer city manager could receive more than $156,000 in gross pay, before payroll deductions such as taxes, and benefits as part of a severance package after his resignation.
Chris Eppley resigned from his post after discharging his gun in his office in March.The council offered Eppley six months salary and a year’s worth of insurance coverage as a severance package.
In accepting the severance, Eppley released the city from liability for what city officials have called “a possible violation of his due process rights.” A portion of Eppley’s incident report stemming from the incident was published by this newspaper in late March.
According to Keizer’s finance director and city manager pro tem, Tim Wood, Eppley will receive $83,242 in salary, and insurance benefits possibly totaling $32,343 at the current rates. Insurance coverage would end if Eppley finds new employment.
In addition to those costs, Keizer will pay out $32,016 for Eppley’s banked vacation time. A final contribution to Eppley’s retirement program will total $8,532.
The city will also pay an additional $1,671 in payroll taxes this year to cover Eppley’s final months as the city manager.
After appointing Wood as city manager last week, the Keizer City Council announced that an interim city manager would be hired before launching a search for a new, full-time city manager.