Tim Wood, Keizer’s finance director, will serve as Keizer’s city manager for the next 60 to 90 days while the city council searches for an interim city manager.
The announcement was made at a Keizer City Council meeting Monday, April 5. Wood has been the city’s finance director for nearly five years.
“It was an easy decision to temporarily take on some additional responsibilities. That is because of the commitment of our staff, the city council and residents,” Wood said. “We’re determined to keep Keizer moving forward and doing the things that we do best.”
Former city manager Chris Eppley resigned April 5 after discharging a gun in his office in early March. The city council allowed Eppley to continue working in the wake of the incident while an internal investigation was conducted, but offered his resignation on Thursday, April 1. The council accepted the resignation at a special meeting later that day
While Wood is serving as pro temp city manager, the council will begin a search for an interim city manager. Once hired, the interim city manager will serve until the council hires a permanent replacement.
The council unanimously passed a resolution establishing Wood as city manager. Wood received verbal encouragement from councilors Roland Herrera and Laura Reid as he stepped into the new role.
“I am confident that Tim will do what is necessary and he is a good fit for that job,” Reid said.
Mayor Cathy Clark said she would be contacting the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments to see what that organization could offer as far as guidance given that it also has recently selected a new director.
“We want a professional and someone with experience who already knows the job,” Clark said.
She also offered encouragement for the city’s administrative team.
“You are an amazing team for the quality work that you continue to bring to everybody in Keizer,” she said.