Who is going to fix the Welcome sign?

The Salem-Keizer Working Together sign at the southern entrance to Keizer, has been a victim of crashes and graffiti for years.

The Welcome to Keizer sign at the south end of Keizer was the topic of discussion at the Aug. 5  City Council meeting, instigated by a question from Council President Shaney Starr.

During the meeting she asked city staff what was happening to get the sign repaired. The sign has been damaged for months. 

The problem is no one knows who is responsible for maintaining the sign in the traffic island at the intersection of River Road, Broadway Street and Stark Street.

Councilor Soraida Cross asked city staff if anyone had contacted the City of Salem to get the sign repaired.  Public Works Director Bill Lawyer answered that he didn’t who at the City of Salem to contact.

City Manager Adam Brown told the council that he brought the subject up with Salem, but as of yet there is no resolution. 

The council, by consensus, directed city staff to draft a letter to Salem officials demanding the sign be repaired, including references to the original agreement when the sign was first installed years ago.