Five Keizer police cadets recently graduated from a week-long training academy held at the Salem Police Department.
Cadets from the Keizer Police Department and the Marion County Sheriff’s Office joined Salem cadets at the academy.
Keizer’s graduates included Jacob Garcia, Addison Thompson, Baylee Lawyer, Carson Pletcher and Logan Brownell.
The cadet training culminated in a graduation ceremony, held on June 28, with family, friends and police department officials.
The academy taught officer safety, proper use of force procedures and classes on crime scene investigation, traffic stops and bomb squad training.
Cadets also had hands-on exercises for defensive tactics, use of force simulator scenarios and spent a day at the gun range.
Cadets can be ages 14 to 20 and are volunteers who observe and assist sworn police officers to gain a basic knowledge of law enforcement operations according to the Keizer city website.
Typical duties include record keeping, radio communications and traffic control at special events such as KeizerFEST.
According to Officer Jeremy Darst, Keizer cadet adviser, “This academy gives them a basic understanding of what police do such as the different specialty units various departments offer and provides them with some skills to keep them safe while volunteering as a cadet.”
Darst also noted that cadets get the latest in police training which “gives them a basic understanding for when we continue to train on these various topics during our monthly cadet meetings.”
According to Darst, the training prepares cadets for the annual competition, scheduled for Aug.10 and 11 at the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training facility located at 4190 Aumsville Highway S.E.
Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051
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