Be prepared for tomorrow’s storm

Vehicles navigate the intersection of River Road and Chemawa Road on Jan. 15

With one ice storm passing and another on its way, be sure to stay up-to-date on what the weather forecast is in Keizer. 

The weather advisory warning is in effect starting at 10 a.m. and lasting until 10 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16, in the central and southern Willamette Valley. 

Significant icing is expected with accumulation predicted to reach around one to two tenths of an inch of ice. 

Large chunks of ice found in front of the Keizer Fire District

Power outages and damage due to heavy icing on trees are expected and travel, especially during the evening, may be difficult.  

If travel is required, ensure you pack an extra flashlight, food and water in your vehicle. 

According to a Weather Channel report for Keizer, there is no predicted rain or snow though temperatures will reach down into the lower teens, with the low being 13 degrees F between 6 -7 a.m., with the temperature climbing back up to around 24 degrees F at noon. 

Freezing rain is expected to start tomorrow at 1 p.m. with rain lasting into Wednesday, though temperatures are predicted to rise above freezing at midnight on Tuesday evening. 

For those with a power outage, the Keizer Community Library will be open during standard hours on the 16, 3 – 7 p.m., and provide free hand warmers, coffee as well as offering a place to get warm. 

Cherriots buses are expected to resume normal operation and operation hours with free rides available to those needing to go to a warming shelter. 

To receive more information about road conditions call 511 or visit for hourly road and weather condition reports in Oregon. 

An area behind Keizer’s City Hall with untouched snow
A parking lot filled with snow and ice along Keizer Station Boulevard
A snowy Volcanoes parking lot
A view of the snow and ice build-up on the road on Chemawa Road

Contact Keizertimes Staff:
[email protected] or 503-390-1051

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