Winter Solstice candlelight vigil

Salem Health Hospital will host a candlelight vigil of remembrance for the deceased at the Multifaith chapel starting at 6 890 Oak St. in order to celebrate the winter solstice.

The free event is open to all and will have poetry and remarks from those in the community.  

The winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice or Midwinter, only happens twice a year, once in each hemisphere and Thursday, Dec. 21, is when it comes to us in the north. 

The solstice will begin at 7:27 p.m. PST, making Dec. 21 the shortest day, or longest night, of the year. 

The winter solstice marks a turning point where the days will grow longer though it may take time for this change to become noticeable. 

The word “solstice” is derived from the Latin sōlstitium which roughly translates into the phrase “the sun stands still,” according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 

Examples of celebrating this event can be found in cultures around the world and while cultures interpret this event differently, a common thread found involves the cycle of rebirth, renewal or remembrance.

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