Ed Edmo, a member of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, will present his unique stories from his ancestry—including Yakama and Nez Perce—for three shows in November.
Edmo’s appearance is part of the Keizer Cultural Center’s Native American History Heritage Month.
Remembering the stories his grandparents taught him, Edmo will recount the tales that kept children entertained around the wood stove.
Ed is a master storyteller with Wisdom of the Elders. Many of his stories are of Coyote, the trickster who often outsmarts all other living beings. One of his most popular stories is about the creation of the great Columbia River.
Edmo is a consultant for the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, a poet, writer, recording artist and playwright.
Ed will share his stories on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18 at 7 p.m. and again at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 19, on Keizer Homegrown Theatre’s stage at the Keizer Cultural Center at 980 Chemawa Rd. NE.
Tickets are $15, free for children 12 and under. Special seating has been reserved up front for kids.