We put out some incorrect information this week in this article, and we would like to correct it.
Firstly, the transit board is not adding five new routes – they are adding five new electric buses to route 11 which will stop at Keizer and the transit center, and they anticipate adding five additional electric buses for a total of 10 in the fleet – Cherriots is not intending to make their fleet all-electric as the article indicated, but rather they will continue to use a blend of differently-powered vehicles.
Our article also stated two new induction charging pads had already been added to the transit system, but that was premature – they have been approved for installation but this hasn’t yet happened.
Finally, in our article we indicated that Navarro was advocating for wider doors on buses, when it would have been more accurate to say he had been working with veterans who came to him with such requests.
The story has been corrected to reflect the above changes and we apologize for the errors.
Ramiro “RJ” Navarro serves on the Salem-Keizer Transit board and he has some good news for Keizer residents and Cherriots riders.
“We’re expanding service into Keizer – particularly on Lancaster Drive,” he said. “We’re adding five new busses to that area and 10 new electric buses to the fleet.”
Navarro is relatively new to the board, but said it has been busy building out a new fleet and improving the existing Cherriots service.
He said the Cherriots fleet uses three primary types of busses – a special blend of diesel, compressed natural gas, and electric.
“Cherriots was recently recognized as having one of the cleanest fleets in Oregon, and we want to keep it that way,” he said.
Part of the support for a electric busses fleet includes charging stations, and Navarro said two new induction pad stations – which allow the bus to remotely charge its battery by simply parking on top of the pad – have been approved for Keizer Transit Center and the Del Webb maintenance facility.
In addition to climate concerns, Navarro has been working with veterans and others with special needs, advocating for accessibility improvements such as wider doors and automated accessibility features.
He said future agenda items include possibly adding a route to Keizer Rapids Park, which Cherriots currently can’t do because there isn’t enough space to for the bus to turn around – and he wants to make a route available which can take riders out to Volcanoes Stadium during events.