To the Editor:
Kudos to Lyndon Zaitz for two editorial articles he wrote for the November 20, 2020 Keizertimes: Surviving new COVID restrictions wisely supports a health/science-based approach for us in responding to the COVID pandemic. The second editorial, We can still be thankful regardless of 2020 gets to the heart of what is most important to us during the holidays: being thankful for what we have; family, friends and the wonderful place we live. We do not need to be together in person to know the love that we feel for each other. Zaitz mentions several alternatives.
In sharp contrast to uniting as a community in a safe and emotionally connected way, Bill Post urged citizens to defy Governor Kate Brown’s freeze orders. His action smacks of political grandstanding at the expense of lives. Dividing citizens in political camps does not build a stronger community. It destroys trust in our institutions and each other. He speaks of “freedom,” but his selfish version is at the expense of other people.
Mayor Cathy Clark increased already high anxiety in the Keizer community by implying the state freeze puts families gathering for Thanksgiving at risk of arrest. I must have more faith in the judgment of the Keizer police than the mayor. Our Keizer police also have families and they have a good sense for what is important and how to enforce our laws.
This holiday season will be different, but it can be special. With the challenges our world faces, generosity to families, organizations and small businesses in need are a meaningful way to reach out and show you care. Together, let us unite in positive actions in Keizer.
Cathey Philbrick