To the Editor:
As a former member of the Keizer City Council, I understand first-hand the importance of representing our community – for family, friends, and neighbors. Please join me in supporting three outstanding persons for council – Laura Reid, Kyle Juran and Ross Day.
I served with Laura Reid on council and she is a dedicated leader in this community – on city council as well as through the important role she has played over the years educating our kids at McNary. She is a hard worker and cares deeply for our community – reflected day in and day out in her care for Keizerites.
Kyle Juran is an outstanding local businessperson providing local jobs. He has devoted hours to making a difference for our community through his volunteering on Keizer city committees, on the Keizer Chamber Board and through Iris Festival. Kyle displays his love and compassion for Keizer and I look forward to him serving on council.
Ross Day is a longtime friend and neighbor with whom I have served in many activities. He is a dedicated husband and father and a passionate advocate who cares deeply for our community. Ross understands the importance of Keizer’s continued growth for more jobs, affordable housing, reducing traffic congestion, and providing options for parks. As a local business owner, Ross knows how vital small businesses are in the community.
I urge you to join me in voting for Laura Reid, Kyle Juran and Ross Day for Keizer City Council.
Bruce Anderson