Social gaming proposal goes bust

A proposal to relax Keizer’s social gaming ordinance didn’t find any support among Keizer city councilors Monday, Oct. 7.

Greig Olson asked the council to expand its social gaming ordinance to include social gaming clubs. A social gaming club differs from other types of gambling in that there is no rake, the portion of bets taken by the house. 

“The money is made through a one-day membership to participate. It’s a rake-free environment. The only money the house makes is through the door fee,” Olson said

Memberships range from $10 to $15 per person in Eugene and Portland where such clubs are allowed. 

Olson said many local players travel north and south to participate in the games and expanding the ordinance would allow the city to take part in the mainstreaming of poker games. 

“There’s a lot of interest in it and a lot of people who play,” Olson said. 

Keizer’s existing social gaming ordinance applies only to “non-profit, fraternal-type organizations” such as the Keizer Elks and Keizer Lions. 

Olson said he was willing to defer to the council as to what limits should be accepted in any expansion. 

“There is an opportunity to configure this any way you want. You can say you don’t want it around any alcohol,” Olson said. 

Still, no councilors anted a motion to expand the ordinance.  

“I’m not seeing anyone who wants to make a gaming change at this time,” said Mayor Cathy Clark. 

Contact the reporter at [email protected].