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Eat nutritious & save money with this new cooking concept in SE Salem. You choose — I cook. Pickup at my kitchen. Lower prices, great selection. Call Chef Helen at 503-990-7814.   0329

Hey Mom! Get your kids to eat veggies! It’s so easy — just buy my herbal pizza topping. Call Chef Helen at 503-990-7814. 0329


Jim’s Lawn Service – Complete lawn and garden care. Yard cleanups, mowing, pruning, bark dusting. Serving Keizer since 1984. Voted “Best in Keizer!” 503-990-2752. cr


DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 844-239-9335 or Ad# 6118.ONAC

Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-844-803-4427 or visit

DIRECTV NOW. No Satellite Needed. $40/month. 65 Channels. Stream Breaking News, Live Events, Sports & On Demand Titles. No Annual Contract. No Commitment. CALL 1-844-269-0236.ONAC

Frontier Communications Internet Bundles. Serious Speed! Serious Value! Broadband Max – $19.99/mo or Broadband Ultra – $67.97/mo. Both Include FREE Wi Fi Router. CALL For Details! – 1-855-972-6641.ONAC

DIRECTV & AT&T. 155 Channels & 1000s of Shows/Movies On Demand (w/SELECT Package.) AT&T Internet 99 Percent Reliability. Unlimited Texts to 120 Countries w/AT&T Wireless. Call 4 FREE Quote- 1-855-502-2578.ONAC

DISH Network $69.99 For 190 Channels. Add High Speed Internet for ONLY $14.95/month. Best Technology. Best Value. Smart HD DVR Included. FREE Installation. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-866-373-9175.ONAC

Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-977-9436.ONAC

Craftmatic Adjustable Beds for less! Up to 50% Off Leading Competitors. #1 Rated Adjustable Bed. Trusted Over 40 Years. All Mattress Types Available. Shop by Phone and SAVE! CALL 1-877-808-3466.ONAC

Get a SMARTPHONE for $0 DOWN* with AT&T Next® and AT&T Next Every Year #8480 1) Pick Your New Phone. 2) Pick Your Plan. (*Req`s well-qualified credit. Limits & restr`s apply.) CALL 1-855-593-4474.ONAC

DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-533-9173.   ONAC

A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-888-651-5669.ONAC

Medical-Grade HEARING AIDS for LESS THAN $200! FDA-Registered. Crisp, clear sound, state of-the-art features & no audiologist needed. Try it RISK FREE for 45 Days! CALL 1-866-799-5056.ONAC

Applying for Social Security Disability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys, 1-855-548-1237! FREE Consultations. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)]..ONAC


GOT AN OLDER CAR, VAN OR SUV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-877-246-1527.ONAC

DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CANCER! Help United Breast Foundation education, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP – 24 HR RESPONSE – TAX DEDUCTION 1-855-252-2579.ONAC