By LYNDON ZAITZ of the Keizertimes The Keizer City Council on Monday appointed seven residents to city committees,approving the recommendations of the Volunteer Coordinating Committee. Two were appointed to the Keizer Public Arts Commission, two to the Budget Committee, two to the Planning Commission and one to Parks and Recreation[Read More…]
Grass Roots Government
Grass Roots Government
A collection of committee meetings from October
Grassroots Government: Parks Board 8/8
A breakdown of the 8/8 Parks Advisory Board meeting
Grassroots Government: Traffic Safety-Bikeways-Pedestrian Committee
Meeting: Thursday, July 20 Committee members in attendance: Jamie Davis (Chair), Mike DiBlasi, David Dempster, Rick Kuehn, Tammy Saldivar, Hersch Sangster City liaison: Councilor Robert Husseman Absent: Brenda Lamb, Mike Griffin, public works liaison, Dave LaDay, Keizer Police liaison. What happened: Three members of the public addressed the committee on[Read More…]
Grass Roots Government
Information from the June meetings of the Planning Commission, Parks Board and Traffic Safety-Bikeways-Pedestrian