McNary Football, Sports, Volleyball

Fall Celtic fall sports coming to an end

The McNary Celtics fall sports season is coming to an end.

The varsity football team (0-8) will play their final game on Friday, Nov 1. They face the South Salem Saxons. Results will be available on Saturday, Nov. 2.

The Lady Celts volleyball team ended their season with a 3-0 loss to South Salem. The Ladies ended with a 6-17 record.

In soccer, the boys team will face Southridge in a playoff game on Saturday, Nov. 2, at home. The boys have a season record of 10-2. The Lady Celt soccer team’s season ended with a 4-1 loss to South Salem. The girl’s season record was 3-9-2.

Jordan Hunter on a kick off return ver- sus the North Salem Vikings on Friday, Oct. 1. The Celts loss 28-21. STEVE SCHNURBUSCH for the Keizertimes

Aris Vasseur looking to make a move. STEVE SCHNURBUSCH for the Keizertimes

Davien Cabrera, backup QB evading Viking tacklers. STEVE SCHNURBUSCH for the Keizertimes
Addie Seely in game against the South Salem Lady Saxons. STEVE SCHNURBUSCH for the Keizertimes

Chloe Bermudes digs for the ball against South Salem. STEVE SCHNURBUSCH for the Keizertimes